نمونه متن جهت استفاده در آزمون کتاب یازدهم

ساخت وبلاگ

 Reading : Read the passage and answer the following questions.                                           Ouzel is a water bird. This very friendly little bird lives near mountain streams. It floats along the streams and suddenly sinks to the bottom. The bird also walks around and takes bits of food on the streambed. The strange bird has some special equipment that uses every bit of air from its body to sink down in the water, then when the light bird walks out, it takes in air again and floats off once more. There is a question about this bird. "Who has given it the most important equipment to keep on living?" Some people think that the One God has done that. Some others believe that the bird has grown by some accidental development.

+ نوشته شده در  شنبه یازدهم آذر ۱۳۹۶ساعت 9:49  توسط A.H  | 
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